“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)
Offerings can be made by e-transfer, cash, cheque or automatic withdrawal.
E-Transfer Details:
To do this, go into your bank website or from your mobile app and issue an e-transfer. You specify the amount and can indicate how funds are to be directed in the comments field. If this is your first time giving to the church, please include your mailing address in the comments field to be issued a tax receipt at year end. You do not need to put your address in after this first time.
The e-mail address for e-transfer donations is:
The amount will be directly deposited to the Lakeshore Church bank account at TD Bank. No security question is required. The only bank that doesn’t support having no security question is Caisse Populaire. In this case, please make the security question “where” and the answer “lakeshore”.
The envelope secretary will record all donations made and issue a tax receipt at the end of the year.
E-transfers are useful for those who:
- Currently give by cash
- Do not have cheques
- Receive variable pay from their employer
- Pay program registrations such as retreat
Give at the church or mail it in:
Offerings can be given regularily during church service. Another option is to drop it off at the church during office hours Tuesday – Friday 9:00am – 2:00pm. Donations can be mailed as well. If you are mailing in a donation, please only mail cheques (made out to Lakeshore Church) at:
Lakeshore Church
656 Lakeshore Drive
North Bay, ON P1A 2G2
Pre-Authorized Withdrawals:
If you are a regular donor, you can arrange to have your monthly donation automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Forms are available from the church office. Simply fill out a form, provide a voided cheque or proper banking account information and give it back to the church office. Automatic withdrawals are done on the 1st and/or 15th of the month and can be stopped immediately if you contact the church office.